We’re All In – First Newsletter!
We’re All In – First Newsletter!
It’s a real personal challenge to search for the right words to kick off our very first newsletter. Not that we are short on opportunities to recognize the terrific people in our organization, but that there are so many people that make a difference every day in the lives of our clients. We just simply do not have enough space in one newsletter to list everyone that makes a difference with over 100 employees – Caregivers, Coordinators, Customer Service Team, Nurses, Accounting Department, our EDT(Employee Development Team), over 35 contract caregivers, and of course our service partners like AHEAD Human Resources, all the social workers, discharge planners; THE LIST GOES ON..
We have made a deliberate decision that we are in the Home Care business to make a difference, not only the lives of our clients, but to those who choose to be caregivers. as well as those who work every day in the many administrative and supportive roles to coordinate the MANY moving parts that make up Helping Hands Caregivers. Every decision that we make in our organization is an important one that must keep us on track to achieve our Mission and our Vision. We are committed to creating a culture where everyone wins. A community where nobody making the honest effort is left behind, be it our clients, our employees or Helping Hands. This is the cultural fuel that feeds our companies philosophy; “Together… we will win!” Everyone counts!
So why do we need everyone to be ALL IN? Many of you have seen, first hand, the evolution of of Helping Hands caregivers in our first 3 years. TO EVOLVE WE NEED TO CHANGE. Change, no matter how big or small, does not happen alone, and although we have seen some internal operational system changes, we know that there are many challenges that still lie ahead in the area of health care. Two extremely important and critical efforts we know will address many of the challenges are;
- “Lean Systems”
- The commitment to be creative and innovative in our market.
We are leading the industry in these areas, not because we think it will give us status, but because we know it will build sustainability for everyone.
As we move through our journey in “Lean” and look for innovative ways to be the best provider and employer we can be, I want everyone to know that, you matter! WE INVITE YOU TO BE A PART OF OUR WINNING PHILOSOPHY AND A BIGGER PART OF OUR “ALL IN” CULTURE.
We want you to be informed. If you are interested in receiving our Helping Hands Caregivers newsletter, you can click “Learn More” above or let Amie or one of the coordinators know the email address you would like it sent to and we will get you on the distribution list. Call us at: 920-217-2961. We will make every effort to keep you informed with fresh, current, and relevant news. To share suggestions on what you would like to see in our newsletter, please email your request to (info@helpinghandswi.com).
We look forward to keeping you in the light and ‘thank you’ for choosing to be a part of Helping Hands Caregivers.
Helping Hands Caregiver’s LLC is a locally owned and operated state certified personal care and supportive care agency. Our staff of caregivers is overseen by RN Care Coordinators. Additionally we have client care managers and qualified caregivers that are committed to working with our clients specific care needs. Our care packages include visits that require 1 hour of service up to continual 24 hour care. Our care team ensures that our client’s receive the care they need when they need it.
Our core values define our services, we C.A.R.E. (*Compassion, Advocacy, Respect and Excellence) and is representative in all that we do and fulfills our standard for personal excellence and integrity. Our entire organization is driven by our companies’ philosophy; Together We Will Win!